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Grief Recovery

If you’re here, I want you to know that if you’ve been carrying something heavy, there is hope and a way through. You may have unspoken emotions, feel the weight of life not turning out the way you hoped, or be navigating a loss or transition, wishing things had been different, better, or more. While much of what we were taught doesn’t truly heal our hearts, The Grief Recovery Method offers an action-based path to gently release the pain you’ve been carrying. My hope for you is to find peace and to honor your experience—you don’t have to walk this journey alone.

What is Grief Recovery?

Grief recovery is the act of acknowledging your loss and dealing with it in a healthy manner, and then feeling as though you’ve moved beyond it. This doesn’t mean pushing it to the wayside and never recognizing your loss again, it simply means that you’ve gotten over the hump of grieving and are beginning to feel more like yourself.
Grief is a part of life, and it’s something that we all will inevitably experience. As an advanced grief recovery specialist, one of passions in life is to give people the tools and support they need to work through the pain that comes with major life loss. I created Lighting the Way because I want to show people that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. I don’t want you to lose a part of yourself due to loss, but instead take those emotions and use them as inspiration to live every day to the fullest.

Are You Suffering From a Broken Heart?

Did a death, divorce, or the end of a romantic relationship cause it? Or was it caused by any of the forty other losses that you might experience such as moving, pet loss, or a change in finances?

I’m not going to tell you, “I know how you feel,” because I don’t. Neither does anyone else. What I will do is provide a safe environment where you will be given specific tools to help you recover from loss and ultimately lead a happier life.

The Grief Recovery Method® is a once-a-week in person meeting or zoom meeting that gives you the tools, space, and support to work through and release the pain of a major life loss. The program lasts seven weeks.

About The Grief Recovery Institute®

Since The Grief Recovery Institute was found around 40 years ago, the focus has been to help people better understand their emotional pain and to learn to overcome their grief. The Grief Recovery Method is the only evidence-based grief recovery program in existence.


Lighting the Way offers the 7-week Grief Recovery Method program. It is action-based and allows you to examine your belief system around having painful emotions. It gives you an opportunity to take time to be with yourself and look at what has happened in life. We teach the actions that lead to resolving and completing the relationship with the unwanted painful emotions. This is offered individually in person and virtually. Groups are also held virtually.

Discover How Lighting The Way Can Help

Do you wish something had been different in your past? Or better? Or like you had more of something? Grief Recovery can help.  

You also may still hold a hope or a belief that things might change or have to face that the situation is never going to change. These unresolved feelings live inside of us when they haven’t been processed. And they guide our lives in how we act, behave and make decisions. Unresolved feelings can interfere in our ability to feel happiness or live a full life or to have connected relationships. Again Grief Recovery can help and the following are situations you may have unresolved feelings…



Pet Loss

Infertility and postpartum

Empty nesting


Friendship Endings

Feeling forgotten by God

You don’t feel needed anymore


Change in financial position


Change in financial position

Intangible losses

Anxiety & loneliness

Childhood experiences

Learn To Heal | Grief Recovery Course

I am so excited to be able to help you overcome the grief obstacles that you are facing in life. I’ll be hosting a grief recovery webinar where I’ll go in depth about tools you can use to acknowledge your loss and accompanying grief, and move forward in life. I want you to enjoy life again, smile and laugh. Let’s take this journey together, and find your way to the light at the end of the tunnel.

While waiting for the webinar, I encourage you to learn more about grief and loss and explore what grief means to you. You can also book a one-on-one meeting with me and read through some resources.

How To Navigate Children And Loss

How To Navigate Children And Loss

Learning how to deal with loss at an early age will help your child for the rest of their life. When you teach your child the tools I give you, including the Grief Recovery Method, it helps set your child up for a fuller life and a brighter future. By being able to healthily cope with loss and grief, your child will be able to move past difficult times in life, and remember that there is still so much left to enjoy.
As a parent, you want to protect your child at all costs. Unfortunately, you can’t protect your child from certain losses. It’s a very difficult part of life, but it’s inevitable. Giving your child the correct tools and speaking openly about loss can have a significant impact on their life experiences. Even though you can’t always protect your child from harrowing situations, you can supply them with the correct assets to help make those parts of life a bit easier.

What Is Loss?

Loss is an emotion that we will all go through multiple times in life. Loss is the process of losing something or someone. An extremely useful metaphor that I like to use is to imagine reaching out for someone. Imagine being in need and continually calling out their name and stretching out your hands as far as they could go. Even though you’re putting in so much effort to reach that other person, because you desperately need them, they’re not there. That feeling of disappointment and confusion is exactly what someone experiencing a loss can feel.

Types of Loss

Children will go through loss like adults do, but their experience differs from that of adults. It’s very common for children to express loss emotionally. Going through monumental experiences can often feel overwhelming for a child, and sometimes they don’t know how to react. Losses can be social, environmental, economic and physical. Some common losses that children go through include:

  • Divorce

  • Moving

  • Changes In Friendships

  • Birth Of A Sibling

  • School Transitions

  • Natural Disasters

  • Death Of A Family Member

  • Parental Job Loss

  • Parental Military Deployment

  • Death of a Pet

  • Loss Of Safety/Security

Children of different ages will have different experiences with loss, and it can be helpful to know how to guide the conversation depending on the age of your child. Based on your child’s age, you can see reactions to losses in the form of outbursts, anger, lack of motivation, embarrassment and severe anxiety. If your child doesn’t learn a healthy way to deal with loss, then these emotional reactions will carry on into adulthood and can lead to mental health issues and unresolved trauma.

Download your FREE Grief Recovery eBook

Sign up to receive your free Grief Recovery Method® Guide for Loss. With this comprehensive guide, you’ll have access to 61 tips that will help you navigate grief and find the light again.
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Seeing The Light At The End Of The Tunnel | Lighting The Way
Assistance With Loss

Seeing The Light At The End Of The Tunnel | Lighting The Way

I believe that one of my purposes in life is to help people deal with grief and loss in a healthy way. I know from experience that even though difficult times may seem never-ending, there is a brighter future ahead. Taking all the tools that I teach you and passing them on to your children will be extremely beneficial throughout their lives. 

They will be able to identify loss, experience the loss and move past the situation in order to enjoy life again. If you would like to find out more ways to talk to your child about loss, have questions about the Grief Recovery Method or have anything else on your mind, please reach out to me. I look forward to helping you and your family!

Book an Appointment

Use our online scheduling tool to set an appointment. We also offer free consultations.
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Making the world a brighter place by supporting those in pain... to heal and release that pain
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