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Our Method

At Lighting the Way, our mission is to guide individuals towards healthier ways of processing emotions, ensuring they don't linger internally in a harmful manner. We recognize the profound pain that often accompanies life's losses and the cumulative impact of unprocessed emotions. These emotions can unknowingly guide our present-day reactions and decisions. Add to that the flawed coping advice we've been given, the pressure inside builds and we feel like we just might explode. Through subconscious clearing and education on emotional release, we help you embrace the life and relationships you've always desired.

About The Grief Recovery Institute®

Since The Grief Recovery Institute was found around 40 years ago, the focus has been to help people better understand their emotional pain and to learn to overcome their grief. The Grief Recovery Method is the only evidence-based grief recovery program in existence.


Lighting the Way offers the 7-week Grief Recovery Method program. It is action-based that allows a client to examine their belief system around having painful emotions. It gives the client an opportunity to take time to be with themselves and look at what has happened in life. We teach the actions that lead to resolving and completing the relationship with the unwanted painful emotions. This is offered individually in person and virtually. Groups are also held virtually.

Types of Loss and Trauma

A lot of people think that you can only grieve if you’ve experienced a death, but that’s not true. There are many 40 types of loss that people can encounter, and they are all valid. Some types of loss include:

Pandemic Loss

Anxiety & Depression

Empowerment of Self


pet loss

Pet Loss


Childhood Losses


myths about Grieving

Misguided Advice for Handling Emotions

When you're going through a tough time, friends and family might chip in with their two cents on how you should handle things. While they mean well, they're saying the usual myths about getting through the rough emotional times. It’s because these have been passed down from earlier generations, it’s what we know, it’s what is familiar.

  • Just give it time – “as if time magically erases pain”

  • Keep busy – “bury your pain”

  • Don't feel bad – “get a hold of yourself”

  • Replace the loss – “go get a new dog, friend, spouse”

  • Grieve alone – “isolate with your feelings”

  • Be strong for others – “put your own feelings aside for others”

Emotions, especially the painful ones can feel huge, overwhelming and never-ending. It’s natural to want to escape the pain. Seek support and lean on others during this time. There’s strength in that.

Discover How Lighting The Way Can Help

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Making the world a brighter place by supporting those in pain... to heal and release that pain
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